Super Squats: How to Gain 30 Lbs. of Muscle in 6 Weeks by Randall J. Strossen

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Super Squats: How to Gain 30 Pounds of Muscle in 6 Weeks – Super Squats provides powerful motivational guidance, back-to-basics nutritional requirements and an outline of one of the most effective workout programs for development mind-blowing muscle mass and explosive strength.

The Super Squats program could not be any simpler: ingest high quality food products and apply the principle of progressive resistance to one primary movement – the squat.  While understanding the concept is easy, the actual workouts are not.  Performing the squat at the frequency and intensity that is required to pack on massive amounts of muscle tissue can bring even the most elite athletes to their knees.  The key is to develop the body’s entire musculature and harness the power of the mind to execute each and every repetition of the squat.  

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